четверг, 1 марта 2018 г.

The headline conveys a benefit to the visitor. The copy reinforces the value presented by the headline with the statement Data analysis is a high-demand professional attribute. In fact, it s one of the top 10 skills many companies are looking for today. Bulleted copy explains the benefits of downloading the e-zine. Bolded letters create a visual hierarchy drawing attention to important phrases. Links to privacy policies and trademarks are included as a resource for curious prospects, but they re also dull in color so as not to steal attention from more important page elements. What could be A B tested . Two hyperlinked logos in the header, and one in the footer, draw users to the homepage before they have a chance to convert. Light-gray labels within the form fields have the potential to confuse and frustrate prospects, research shows. What they did well . A logo unlinked to the homepage doesn t let prospects escape without converting. The How To headline conveys a clear benefit to the reader. The content relates to the reader. Skimmable text with bullet points make this page easy to get through. The text Download the eBook to learn more with its corresponding arrows lead visitors eyes toward the form. Instructions on the form let people know exactly how to claim the ebook. What could be A B tested . The CTA Download could be much more compelling. The CTA button would draw more attention if it were bigger. Google Cloud Platform. What they did well . The headline offers a valuable, free resource. The CTA button color pops on this page s background. Bulleted copy conveys the benefits of converting. The FAQ section helps answer any visitor concerns about the platform. However, the inclusion of outside links provide easy ways off the page without first letting the visitor convert on the offer. What could be A B tested . The logo in the top-left is hyperlinked to the Google Cloud homepage, which distracts visitors from clicking through on the CTA and trying it free. A busy footer allows visitors to abandon the page without converting. What they did well . This CTA button color contrasts the rest of the page well. Multiple CTAs work together to convince the prospect to convert. The word Today in the CTA emphasizes the instantaneous benefit of clicking the button. What could be A B tested . A logo linked to the homepage serves as an escape route for prospects. What they did well . The CTA button color contrasts the white page well. Several cooperative CTA buttons work together to convert the prospect. The call-to-action is tailored to the offer. It reads See Percolate instead of something cookie-cutter like view demo. Bite-sized content makes reading this page easier than if it were covered in block text. Screenshots from inside Percolate give visitors an idea of how it works. What could be A B tested . Numerous links in the header and footer serve as exits from the page, allowing prospects to leave before they convert. The subheadline makes the claim that Percolate is the world s 1 content marketing platform, but where s the proof. Phrases like this actually do the opposite of what s intended. Think about it how many times have you seen World s Best Cup of Coffee written on the outside of a caf. And how many times have you believed it. These testimonials are given by nameless customers. Without names and titles or photos, they re less credible to readers. Visitors have to decide whether they believe these were actually written by Percolate customers, or by the Percolate team themselves. What they did well . No navigation means no visible way off the page. Links on the page might have you thinking they direct the prospect elsewhere, but really they just bring you to the bottom of the page to the form. What could be A B tested . The image has nothing to do with the offer, and it doesn t strengthen it whatsoever. This headline isn t benefit-oriented. Why should the visitor download it. Whitman Syracuse University. What they did well . The registration process is broken up into steps, reducing the amount of friction associated with converting. Bulleted copy conveys the benefits of attending the program. What could be A B tested . The CTA button color makes this button easily missable. The headline is missing a clear unique selling proposition. Online Trading Academy. What they did well . The headline relates to the reader by playing to their desires they want to make the money a Wall Street trader would without being one, or becoming one through long, drawn-out, formal education. Logos of big-name businesses boost authority by aligning the brand with some well-known companies. Multiple cooperative CTAs work together to convert the prospect. This CTA button color draws prospect attention. Contact information gives prospects a way to get in touch with company representatives if they have questions about the offer. The phone number is click-to-call, making it easier for prospects to contact Online Trading Academy should they have questions. What could be A B tested . The social media links at the bottom of the page distract users from completing the page s goal. Colonial Life. What they did well . The image shows visitors what they ll get when they convert. Statistics in the copy give proof that employers have trouble retaining top talent, making the case for why they should read the ebook. Bullet points preview the 24-page ebook s content. The subheadline emphasizes that the ebook is free. The opt-in box is unchecked, which will allow visitors to choose for themselves if they want to receive additional content from Colonial Life, and not just selected by default. What could be A B tested . Links in the header drive visitors away from the page, to the homepage and social media profiles. The button copy submit doesn t get users excited about completing the form. The CTA button is teeny-tiny and barely noticeable. What they did well . The headline and subheadline together convey the benefit of converting. The image gives an inside look into how the dashboard actually looks. What could be A B tested . The CTA button is blue with Facebook branding, so the rest of the page might benefit from a color update that isn t the same as the button. The result will be better contrast between the button and the page. The word Free is really underplayed here. If you re offering something for free, let prospects know in bold letters -- in your headline, your copy, and your CTA. The Blog and About us links give visitors a chance to exit the page. What they did well . Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of the offer. The CTA button color attracts prospect attention. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer, showing visitors what they ll get after converting. What could be A B tested . The CTA Download Now could be better tailored to the offer. A footer containing social media links allows prospects to escape the page without converting. What they did well . Bulleted copy gives visitors an idea of what they ll get in the report. Minimal text makes the page easy to read. What could be A B tested . This headline is too egocentric. It doesn t convey a benefit to the visitor whatsoever. All-caps text on the form finished by an exclamation point makes the readers feel like they re being yelled at. You can t force them to read the form, but you can convince them to. A 7-field form may intimidate prospects into abandoning the page. The CTA button color doesn t stand out on a page that already has a fair amount of blue on it. What they did well . A short form makes converting on this page easy. Bulleted copy quickly conveys the benefits of converting. What could be A B tested . The CTA Submit is as unimaginative as they get. This headline could convey a better benefit. Speaker introductions seem incomplete without the headshots. What they did well . The word Free in this headline lets people know that the offer comes at no monetary cost. Same goes for the text No credit card required in the subheadline. The copy Get started in 30 seconds communicates to the visitor that beginning a trial is quick and easy. What could be A B tested . A logo linked to the homepage gives visitors an easy way off this page. A lack of content makes it unlikely visitors will fill out this form. A 9-field form may intimidate visitors into abandoning this page quickly. Light-gray form labels have the potential to frustrate visitors when they disappear once visitors click inside each individual field. The CTA button color blends in with the page, making the button itself nearly invisible. The call-to-action Submit won t make visitors enthusiastic about converting. What they did well . The headline communicates a clear benefit. Bulleted copy quickly conveys the benefits of converting. Testimonials add to the credibility of this offer. What could be A B tested . A link-filled footer allows prospects to escape to other pages before converting. The button copy could be improved. What they did well . The headline offers up a valuable resource. Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of converting. The CTA button color isn t used anywhere else on the page. Badges showcase awards earned by the company. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer, showing visitors what they ll get after converting. A short form makes converting on this page easy. What could be A B tested . The CTA Download is almost as boring as Submit. Why not Send me my plan. The Free Plans Here CTA at the top of the form is a little confusing. Why have two CTA buttons that do the same job so close to each other on the page. What they did well . The headline communicates a clear benefit. Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of the offer. Logos of big-name businesses boost authority by aligning the brand with some well-known companies. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer, showing visitors what they ll get after converting. What could be A B tested . A busy footer with links to other web pages allows prospects to abandon the page. The CTA copy may boost conversion rates by using personalized copy. Download My Ebook or Get My Ebook could potentially convert at a higher rate. What they did well . Bulleted copy quickly conveys the benefits of the offer. The CTA button stands out on the white background. What could be A B tested . The button copy submit doesn t get the reader excited about converting. The headline doesn t grab the reader. It conveys no benefits whatsoever. All form fields are required, which could cause visitors to pause and not download the ebook. We understand if name and email are required, but is organization and phone number absolutely required for Vantiv to send visitors the ebook. Urban Airship. What they did well . A short form makes converting on this page easy. Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of the offer. What could be A B tested . The call-to-action Register could be changed to something more compelling. This CTA button color blends in with the majority of the page. Head shots of the speakers would give the page more credibility and increase human appeal. What they did well . The headline and subheadline convey a clear benefit. Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of the offer. The CTA button color draws prospect attention. The call-to-action emphasizes the free offer. Logos of big-name businesses boost authority by aligning the brand with some well-known companies. What could be A B tested . Adding white space and letting each element breathe would really help maximize their attention and persuade prospects to get started with WalkMe. Making the CTA button larger could draw generate more clicks although adding more white space around the current CTA would also help with this . AdEspresso University. What they did well . The headline speaks directly to readers, and offers to make their lives easier. Logos from big-name businesses add authority to the offer by aligning the brand with some well-known companies. Bite-size sections of copy quickly describe the contents of the course. What could be A B tested . The primary CTA button Subscribe Now isn t meant for visitors who don t have an AdEspresso account, but, they don t find this out until they have clicked the button. New users can only subscribe to the offer if they click the login CTA at the top of the page. This is confusing and a little misleading. What they did well . The headline offers a valuable resource. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer, showing visitors what they ll get after converting. What could be A B tested . A footer with social media links allows visitors to escape without converting on the page. The headline is a statement which isn t very user-oriented. it doesn t talk about why the visitor would want the survey or why the survey is important. What they did well . The headline communicates a clear benefit. The one-click signup makes converting a breeze. Logos of well-known companies align this brand with trusted businesses. The copy in seconds takes advantage of our desire for instant gratification. What could be A B tested . The FAQ section has exit links to the support center and pricing page that lead the visitor off the landing page. What they did well . This CTA button color contrasts the rest of the page well. Bulleted text quickly lets visitors know what they ll get by attending a ConnectWise Roadshow. What could be A B tested . This headline doesn t communicate a clear benefit. Register now is a boring CTA. Links to maps of roadshow locations let prospects escape the page too easily. A long form makes converting here intimidating. What they did well . The headline offers a valuable resource. The super-short. one-field form makes converting a breeze. Some copy below the form ensures privacy. What could be A B tested . This ghost CTA button is easy to miss. The form right below the headline seems prematurely placed. A sub-headline to elaborate on what the product is would be helpful. What they did well . The headline offers up a valuable resource. Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of the offer. The CTA button color pops on this page s background. The word Now in the CTA capitalizes on our inherent desire for instant gratification. What could be A B tested . Social media links allow prospects to escape the page without converting. The drop-down form fields are not labeled which can be confusing. What they did well . The headline communicates a benefit. Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of converting. The CTA button color pops on this page s background. The word Now in the CTA emphasizes the instantaneous benefit of clicking. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer. The arrow acts as a visual aid, guiding the prospects eyes toward the CTA button. What could be A B tested . Social sharing buttons have been shown to perform better on thank you pages, where prospects can share with their networks after they ve determined the value of your offer. What they did well . A non-hyperlinked logo doesn t let prospects escape the page through it. The benefit of converting earning 7k is highlighted on the page. The copy is broken into easily readable chunks that explain step-by-step how to earn the 7,000 referenced on the landing page. Two cooperating CTAs work together to convert the prospect in different spots on the page. Company logos showcase known brands that have already used the service. A minimalistic footer doesn t distract prospects from converting with links to other pages or social accounts. What could be A B tested . The headline is unreadable on the white background. The footer is linked to the homepage providing an easy way for visitors to leave the page without converting. Not cutting off the faces of the people in the image. Simply Measured. What they did well . The headline offers a valuable resource predictions from experts that will allow you to start planning for 2017. Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of downloading the guide. The CTA button color isn t used anywhere else on this page, and it draws attention against a white background. What could be A B tested . A logo linked to the homepage gives visitors an easy way to escape this page. The CTA copy Submit won t convince users to download this report. Links to social media accounts in the footer give prospects more ways off the page. What they did well . The headline offers a valuable resource An ultimate guide to managing 50 WordPress sites. The image gives an inside look into what reading the resource is actually like. The CTA button color pops off the blue background. Two cooperative CTAs work together to convert the prospect. What could be AB tested . The CTA Download won t get the prospects excited about claiming the offer. Fitness Singles. What they did well . Logos of big-name businesses boost authority by aligning the brand with some well-known companies. Bulleted copy quickly conveys the benefits of signing up. What could be A B tested . The CTA Continue won t get the prospect excited about signing up. The CTA button color makes this button easy to miss. What they did well . The headline leverages the authority of well-known screenwriter Aaron Sorkin to drive signups. The CTA button pops off the black page. The sticky bar allows the red Take the Class CTA to always be available and ready to click. The video quickly explains why this course is worth it. What could be A B tested . Links to other pages allow visitors to leave without converting. Tokyo Cheapo. What they did well . Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of the offer. The CTA button color attracts prospect attention. The images give an inside look into what using the product is actually like. Testimonials strengthen the offer with social proof. Logos of big-name brands align the company with trusted brands. What could be A B tested . A footer containing social media links allows prospects to escape the page without converting. What they did well . Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of converting. The word Now in the CTA capitalizes on our desire for instant gratification. What could be A B tested . This headline doesn t convey a benefit at all. This CTA button color has already been used multiple times on the page. Therefore, it s not as attention-grabbing as it could be. What they did well . The headline uses words like exclusive and free to entice readers. Minimal copy makes this page easy to read. A photo shows what the ebook looks like. Bulleted copy previews the book s content. Company logos showcase the well-known businesses that use Zurple nationwide. What could be improved . A logo linked to the homepage allows users to exit before converting. The button copy Submit could be replaced with something more compelling. What they did well . The responsiveness of this page means that when the window is adjusted or the page is viewed on a device with a smaller screen, it will still display flawlessly. Labels above each form field won t confuse prospects like disappearing ones within each form field will. What could be A B tested . The home link and the logo both drive users off the page before they have a chance to click the CTA button. A lack of content on this page means visitors don t know the benefits of downloading the report. Submit as a CTA won t compel many prospects to download. What they did well . Bolded words create a visual hierarchy, drawing attention to important phrases. Benefit-oriented copy describes the advantages to choosing Serena. What could be A B tested . This headline is too me focused, and doesn t do a good job of emphasizing a benefit to the reader. Why should prospects use Serena. What have other businesses accomplished with it. The term ITSM is used on the page numerous times, but it s not completely clear to the prospect what it means. A hyperlinked logo serves as an escape route for visitors before they convert. Numerous outbound links in the footer tempt users to leave the page. The PDF icon with a downward pointing arrow looks like it could be a button, and it may even confuse prospects into thinking that s what they have to click to download. Additionally, even if it doesn t, the arrow points toward the exit links in the footer. Your visual cues should guide prospects toward your CTA button, not away from it. The call-to-action doesn t make it clear that the user needs to click to claim the report. It says Click Here, but for what. The CTA button could look more like a button. Some shadowing around the edges to give it a 3D look, or more rounded corners might make it more clickable-looking. Propel Marketing. What they did well . 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