четверг, 1 марта 2018 г.

Bulleted copy quickly communicates the advantages of converting. The CTA button color pops on this page s background. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer, showing visitors what they ll get after converting. The word Now capitalizes on our desire for instant gratification. What could be A B tested . The CTA Download Now is too generic. Too many social media links that can take visitors off the page. Outskirts Press. What they did well . The headline offers a strong benefit. Logos from big-name businesses add authority to the offer by aligning the brand with some well-known companies. This CTA capitalizes on our desire to get something for nothing by using the word Free. What could be A B tested . Multiple competing CTAs work against each other by advertising several offers. What they did well . The headline cites a well-known copywriter who s made millions of dollars writing direct mail campaigns for companies both big and small, and it offers the resource for just 1. This CTA button color pops on this page s background. This CTA is written in first person. The word Now in the CTA takes advantage of our desire for instant solutions to our problems. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer. What could be A B tested . The secondary CTA link just below the first one might confuse visitors. Which do they click to claim the offer. Why are there two right next to each other. A navigation menu gives prospects the opportunity to leave the page before converting. What they did well . The headline communicates a clear benefit, using statistics to make it even more compelling that generated 400,000. The CTA button color pops on this page s background. The CTA is written in first person. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer. A short form makes converting on this page easy. Company logos of big brands boost authority by aligning this company with trusted businesses. What could be A B tested . A hyperlinked logo allows prospects to escape this page before converting. What they did well . The headline and subheadline together promise a benefit to those who convert exclusive access to 180 blog post ideas sent directly to their inbox. The Yes Please CTA button uses a bright color to draw attention. A two-field form makes converting simple for prospects. What could be A B tested . The yellow text is difficult to read on the page s background. Labels within form fields have the potential to confuse and frustrate visitors, studies show. What they did well . The headline offers a valuable resource. The CTA button color draws prospect attention. All of the CTAs are written in first person. These CTAs capitalize on our desire to get something for nothing by using the word Free right in it. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer. More images give a sneak peek into the guide. Testimonials serve as social proof, adding credibility to the offer. What could be A B tested . The copy 1 bonus trick you can t miss is surrounded by a rectangle, making it look like a button even though it s not. Designs like this can confuse prospects into thinking that the page hasn t fully loaded or the button isn t working. Outbound links in Johnathan Dane s bio may drive traffic off the page. Angel Therapy and Hay House University. What they did well . Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of the offer. The CTA capitalizes on our desire to get something for nothing by including the word Free. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer, showing visitors what they ll get after converting. What could be A B tested . This CTA button color could be more attention-grabbing. A busy footer containing links to other web pages allows prospects to abandon the page before converting. The copy could be shortened, right now the page looks too copy-heavy. What they did well . The How To headline conveys a clear benefit. Numbered copy quickly conveys the benefits of downloading. This CTA button color contrasts the rest of the page well. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer. What could be A B tested . Social share buttons have been shown to perform better on thank you pages, after your converted leads have had a chance to read through your resource and decide whether it s worth sharing. Jason Swenk. What they did well . The How to headline conveys a clear benefit tied to a powerful statistic. Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of converting. This CTA button color contrasts the rest of the page well. The CTA is written in first person. What could be A B tested . A logo linked to the homepage allows prospects to escape without converting. The text Where should I send your video seems unnecessary, the CTA button copy seems sufficient. What they did well . Badges from Google, Inc 500, and Yahoo align 180fusion with some powerful brands. Testimonials tout the benefits of working with this agency. Logos of big-name businesses boost authority by aligning the brand with some well-known companies. What could be A B tested . The busyness of this page draws prospects eyes every which way. With all the colorful and attention-grabbing elements, where should they look. A logo linked to the homepage allows prospects to escape without converting. What they did well . The question headline directly engages the reader. Logos of big-name businesses boost authority by aligning the brand with some well-known companies. This CTA button color contrasts the rest of the page well. Multiple CTAs work together to convert visitors. What could be A B tested . A logo linked to the homepage is a potential leak on this landing page. The autoplay video forces visitors to watch even if they don t want to. The navigation links in the footer have the potential to drive traffic away from this landing page. Kashurba Web Design. What they did well . The case study headline offers a step-by-step solution for landing High-Ticket Web Design Clients. Logos of big-name businesses boost authority by aligning the brand with some well-known companies. The CTA button color pops off the white background of the page well. The word Now in the CTA emphasizes the immediate benefit of pressing the button. What could be A B tested . A big block of fine print in the footer could make prospects question the validity of the offer. Fletcher Method. What they did well . The CTA button here is impossible to miss. The headline emphasizes that the solution is quick and easy. An image shows the prospects what they ll get when they convert. A privacy message lets visitors know that their information is 100 secure and that it won t be shared with any other business. What could be A B tested . All-caps makes the reader feel like they re being yelled at. It also screams salesy. You don t ever want to come across as salesy, even when you re selling. The headline is grammatically incorrect. What s supposed to be in quotations. If it s both the headline and the words Tech Overwhelm, then it should look like this, Use This New Template To Quickly Set Up an Automated Lead Generation Funnel With Zero Tech Overwhelm. But, why is the headline even in quotations anyway. The symbols on the CTA button are supposed to mean what, exactly. Are those arrows. Simply Measured. What they did well . The How to headline is a classic way of implying the reader will learn something from the offer. The CTA button color pops off the page. A minimalistic footer doesn t distract from the offer. What could be A B tested . A long form with many required fields makes this page intimidating to convert on. The CTA download could be updated to something far more compelling. What they did well . Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of converting. Two cooperative CTAs work together to convince prospects to convert. Both CTAs are written in first person. The CTA button color pops on this page s background. The warning and countdown timer uses scarcity to boost conversions. What could be A B tested . Adding speaker bios could persuade visitors to sign up for the workshop. The social media links in the right-page column are unnecessary and take visitors away from the page. What they did well . A non-hyperlinked logo in the upper-left area keeps prospects from escaping through it to the homepage. A short form doesn t deter visitors from submitting their personal information. Bullet-pointed copy quickly conveys the benefits of converting. A bright, bold CTA button draws the attention of prospects. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer, showing visitors what they ll get after converting. A minimalistic footer doesn t distract prospects from converting with links to other pages or social accounts. What could be A B tested . The headline is me focused but it should be more focused on the visitor and how the product solves their problem. All the copy on this page is egocentric What we are doing differently, why marketers should consider us. This page isn t about you, it s about your visitor. What they did well . The case study headline offers a clear benefit an in-depth look at how one man gets 30-50 consulting clients every month. The CTA button color pops on this page s background. The CTA button is big. which draws prospect s attention to it. The CTA is written in first person Reserve MY Seat instead of Reserve YOUR Seat. The word Now in the CTA conveys an immediate benefit that comes with clicking the button. What could be A B tested . Autoplay video has been shown to decrease conversions. If your visitors want to watch your video, they ll press the play button. What they did well . The headline communicates a clear benefit while offering a beginner-friendly offer. This CTA button color pops off the page, drawing prospect attention well. This CTA is written in first person. An arrow serves as a visual aid to guide the prospect s eyes to the CTA button. Testimonials from well-known figures strengthen the persuasiveness of this landing page. The word free emphasizes the no-cost nature of the offer. What could be A B tested . This busy footer gives prospects far too many ways to abandon the page. Online Marketing Classroom. What they did well . Bulleted copy quickly conveys the benefits of converting. An image shows the prospect what they ll get when they click the Download Now button. The headline offers a step-by-step method to generating traffic. What could be A B tested . A link to the contact page in the footer could be replaced with a phone number or email address to keep prospects on this page. Multiple font formats makes this page a little difficult to read. The headline is bolded red, a blue highlighted phrase, bold text within the bulleted copy, etc. Simplifying the format could eliminate friction and keep visitors on the page longer, encouraging them to convert. More Clients More Results. What they did well . The case study headline offers a clear benefit A step-by-step guide to generating clients. Copy next to the green checkmarks convey the benefits of watching the video. The CTA is written in first person. The CTA button color draws prospect attention. Screenshots show happy customers. What could be A B tested . A footer complete with a link to the homepage allows prospects to escape this landing page. What they did well . The headline communicates a clear benefit. Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of the offer. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer, showing visitors what they ll get after converting. What could be A B tested . The CTA button could be bigger and include personalized copy. The form is really long considering the offer is only one free chapter from the book. Are the fields Title, Role, and Phone necessary for this page. A busy, link-filled footer allows prospects to escape this page without converting. The Law Of Attraction World. What they did well . The CTA button color attracts prospect attention. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer, showing visitors what they ll get after converting. The CTA uses the word Free and lets visitors know exactly where they need to click to claim the offer. What could be A B tested . The headline is sensationalized and not believable whatsoever. How to get anything you want. The background image makes it appear like the image is floating in space. What does the solar system have in common with the ebook. The Facebook like button provides an opportunity for visitors to leave the page before converting and never return. Coaching Soccer Tactics. What they did well . The headline presents a valuable resource. Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of converting. The CTA button color attracts prospect attention. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer, showing visitors what they ll get after converting. What could be A B tested . The headline is in quotations why. This CTA uses compelling words like Free and Instant Access, but without an action verb, it s not completely clear that the big yellow block is a pushable button. Adding a word like Get at the beginning of that, or a phrase like Push for would make things more obvious for the prospect. Midas Media. What they did well . The unorthodox headline grabs the reader s attention. Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of the offer. The CTA button color attracts prospects eyes. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer, showing visitors what they ll get after converting. What could be A B tested . The form fields could be rearranged to add to the visual hierarchy of the page and center the CTA button. What they did well . The headline offers up a valuable resource, and uses the word Free. Bulleted copy quickly communicates the benefits of converting. This CTA is written in first person. The image serves as a visual representation of the offer, showing visitors what they ll get after converting. A short form makes converting on this page easy. What could be A B tested . The social media links allow the visitor to exit the page which is never good for conversions. Membership Site Masters. What they did well . A non-clickable logo keeps visitors focused on converting. The phone number in the upper-right of the page gives people a way to contact the business without leaving the page. The offer is an ultimate list, with 114 niche ideas. A list of 20 is good. A list of 50 is better. 114 sounds even more valuable to the reader. The question Looking for a membership site niche idea. directly addresses the reader. Bulleted copy stresses the benefits of converting. Multiple CTA buttons work together to convert the prospect. Text on the form lets people know where the link is going, and how long it should take for it to get there. The CTA button under the form is written in first-person. The two-field form makes converting a breeze for visitors. What could be A B tested . A link in the footer drives prospects to the site s homepage. The phone number is not click-to-call, which makes contacting the company more difficult than it needs to be. The exit pop-up is the same offer as the landing page offer. If someone was abandoning your page because they decided they didn t want to claim your offer, why would you offer them the same exact content as a last-ditch attempt at getting their email address. Social Scaling Formula. What they did well . The question headline engages the reader. The copy promises to reveal a secret. This CTA button color contrasts the rest of the page well. The call-to-action is written in first person. What could be A B tested . The blurred image looks unnecessary. Instead of giving space to an image that doesn t really show visitors anything it would ve been much better if they added more copy and wrote more about their targeting framework. What they did well . The headline conveys a strong benefit, and uses the word Free. Bulleted copy emphasizes the quick and easy benefits of claiming the offer. The CTA button color pops on the form background. This explainer video quickly describes the service in plain language. The CTA capitalizes on our inherent desire to get something for nothing by using the word Free. Contact information gives prospects a way to get in touch with company representatives if they have questions about the offer. What could be A B tested . The first line of copy talks about a recent news report , but doesn t mention the date so visitors don t know how recent it is. Sure, there s a link at the bottom of the form, but it would be better if they clarified things and added a date. Reset Warrior. The CTA button is easy to spot. A three-field form makes converting easy. The headline emphasizes the free offer. What could be A B tested . The all-caps headline and CTA read like they re yelling at the prospect. This page is simple. What s in the book. Why should we download it. This video isn t too long, but it s also not too interesting either. Two minutes of writing. That totally defeats the purpose of creating a video. A link to the author s Facebook page drives prospects away before they have a chance to convert. How do your landing pages measure up. Did you make any of the mistakes the brands above did. How do your landing pages look in comparison. Let us know in the comments, then use what you ve learned to create an optimized, high-converting landing page with Instapage, the designer-friendly platform. Sign Up for a 14-day Free Trial Maximize your ad spend while significantly lowering your cost of customer acquisition. Get Started. 3 Things you Should Know About Landing Page Optimization. They can be incredibly useful for lead generation and increasing conversions for your website, but so many people fail to understand the small details that can lead to major results for your business overall. In this article, I ll cover four simple things you should be doing with your landing pages in order to optimize them for better conversions. I will be covering . Effective Copywriting Techniques Ease of Navigation Calls to Action. If you can take the time to improve just these three things, you will see an incredible bump in your overall conversions. 1 Effective Copywriting Techniques. Let s start by taking a look at a good landing page and a bad landing page. Here is an example of a landing page by Unbounce for an eBook on Attention-Driven Design. For this example, we are only going to focus on the copy for this page. The title is large and demands your attention right off the bat. Furthermore it tells you exactly what the ebook is about. You know that upon reading this guide, you will have learned exactly 23 principles for creating a more persuasive landing page. What s great about this is that it follows this particular headline formula X Little Known Factors That Could Affect Your Why is this formula good. Because it immediately tells the reader what the value proposition of the eBook is. The subtitle under the main header reads, Your Guide to Eliminating Distraction and Getting the Conversions you Deserve . Notice how the copy is not made-up of complicated jargon. It s specific and speaks directly to the reader. The primary value proposition is once again highlighted and inspires the reader to continue down the page. We are brought to the left-hand side which states, What s in the Ebook . The description actually tells the audience exactly what they are getting. It addresses a specific pain-point; that people don t have really long attention spans. Then it tells you exactly how long the ebook is, so the reader can estimate whether or not it is something they will have time to read. THEN, it outlines the exact concepts that will be covered in the ebook so that the reader can once again determine if the content is a fit for them. There is very little mystery, and the language is not vague. Instead, it s direct and tells the site-visitor exactly what they are getting. In the next example, which is the not-so-great example for effective landing page copy, we have the SAP landing page. Right off the bat the page is jam-packed with words. So many words. Where do you even start. Let s take a look at this header. Revolutionize marketing for a new breed of customer. Upon reading that title text, can you comfortably tell me what this page is about, or what SAP even does. Is it a service. Is it content. The problem with this headline is that it is extremely vague and not directed to a specific user persona. The image in the background also fails to reveal anything about the product. Now if we move on down to the first line underneath the image, we see that it says . As customers become more and more well informed, marketers are losing their influence. First of all, is this an accurate statement. What are customers and which customers specifically for that matter becoming more informed about specifically. Why is this impacting marketers. It s very difficult to identify emotionally with the copy on this page and make a decision to call SAP. We also don t know who SAP is trying to target with this landing page. Following the above information, is a long list of content and calls to action, none of which stand out above the rest. As a result, it is very unlikely that anyone will click on the content unless they know exactly what they are looking for. But in terms of acquiring new leads and transforming those leads into customers, this page does not demand attention like the Unbounce landing page that has one specific purpose and request. 2 Ease of Navigation. Simply stated, the user-journey should be as straight-forward as possible. You should have a very clear goal of what you want your lead, or visitor to do when they arrive on your landing page or homepage. The first thing to keep in mind is to avoid overwhelming your visitor with too many options. Instead, draw out a clear path of what you want specific user personas to do. Vidyard s homepage is an example of great navigation. Here is the homepage. When you hover over the Solutions tab, you get this drop down . This offers a very clear path for different users. If I m a marketer and I land on this page, I know to click on the tab that says Learn More under Marketing . When I do this, I m taken to the next stage in the funnel . Turn viewers into customers. As a marketer that is exactly what I want to do. I want to increase conversions using video. As you scroll down the page, the content gets even more specific, outlining how video will benefit a marketer with different goals such as demand generation, marketing communications, video production, event planning or leadership. Vidyard does a great job of providing a user experience that offers tons of value to the visitor. By the end of the journey, you can t help but consider video production as an incredibly useful tool to help you with your job. Navigation should be seamless and specific. It should direct your visitor to one primary call to action. Have just one. Pick one thing you want your site visitor to do, and make that their only option. Here is another example from Venngage . There is one main call-to-action, which is to Sign up for Free for the infographics maker. The user is not confused by multiple buttons on the page, or numerous links like in the SAP example previously mentioned. The goal of the homepage is obvious. Here is another example from my own site . Teach me more. That s the primary call to action on this landing page about content marketing tips for non-marketers. There are no other buttons or links, or navigation for that matter. One goal and one solution. I want visitors to get in touch with me or subscribe to my blog so that is all I ask for. The next thing to keep in mind is CTA button color and copy. Your CTA should be a button. Make the button as obvious as possible too. People like big buttons, it grabs their attention. When it comes to choosing color there has been much debate as to which color performs best. Research has shown however that orange and green lead to increased conversions. It s been A B tested. When it comes to button copy, sometimes more words can be more effective. Just take a look at this example . The reason being that when you use your button copy to speak directly to your visitor, and tell them exactly what is behind that button, it increases trust and desire. Of course, you actually need to provide whatever is promised by the button. In order to optimize your landing pages for better conversions, you need to be direct, specific and provide a very seamless journey for your user. If not, they will quickly get frustrated and bounce from your page, resulting in fewer conversions, and as a result, less money for you. Instead be CROd. Get breaking news alerts. How to Write an Ebook. So you want to write an ebook. Or maybe you want to join the throngs skipping the slow, traditional publishing route and self publish instead. This guide will outline the basic steps of creating an ebook. Writing ebooks has become quite common, but how to write an ebook isn t so straightforward. By the end of this guide, you will have a solid understanding of the steps it takes to write and publish your own ebook. This post contains affiliate links, meaning, I recommend products and services I ve used or know well and may receive a commission if you purchase them too at no additional cost to you . Post contents. In April 2010 I decided to write an ebook, mostly as an experiment. I was intrigued by the launch your own product process and wanted to figure out how it worked. It was completely uncharted territory for me. My plan was to finish it by the end of June, publish it in July and then well, I hoped to sell a few copies. Things didn t go according to plan. June came and went, as did July. So did August and September. Then October rolled around and the dark, unfinished project cloud prompted me to make a final push and get it done. I officially launched Tell Your Time How To Manage Your Schedule So You Can Live Free on October 26, 2010. By then, I was so relieved it was done I would have been happy with 10 so I could buy an ice cream sundae to celebrate. But that s not what happened. I made significantly more than 10 that first day like thousands more and it continues to sell all these years later. Before this whole thing started, I never thought past the first week of launch. Back to top Writing an ebook is quick, easy, cheap to produce and potentially more profitable. As far as publishing goes, it s not complicated at all. Anyone can do it. Here are four reasons writing an ebook is a good idea. To sell for profit. Many people have made excellent money through the sales of ebooks. 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